Veteran’s Yoga Project: Mindful Resilience Training 2021


Mindful Resilience is what we call the collection of mind-body practices that we teach: Breathing, Meditation, Mindful Movement, Guided Rest, and Gratitude. These tools help us breathe easy, focus clearly, move freely, rest deeply, and

Veteran’s Yoga Project: Mindful Resilience Training 20212023-08-12T01:08:02+00:00

Men’s Wellness Performance: A Workshop for Men


Design, Build and Take Action on an Optimum Daily Life/Work Performance Practice. The leaders Jose Maresma and Mark Pugsley will work with you specifically to create a life practice and pathway forward that will walk

Men’s Wellness Performance: A Workshop for Men2023-09-14T10:11:17+00:00

Yoga Teachers & Wellness Seminars


The Remedy is looking for yoga teachers and wellness gurus. If you teach a unique, yoga class or instruct on a special, mindful subject or practice, we want to bring you into our fold! With

Yoga Teachers & Wellness Seminars2015-12-29T08:54:54+00:00

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