Like the months before it, November is bound to look different this year. Extended family gatherings are on hold; the instinct to gather together as it grows colder interrupted, for now.
It’s okay to wish it were different. But, at a certain point, staying in “I wish it were different” mode becomes a little debilitating. To move forward, to move at all–to not get stuck–we must engage with our actual circumstances. Yoga is a pretty good practice for supporting these…interactions with reality, let’s call them. Over the years I have at times marveled at images of seemingly impossible poses, requiring levels of strength and flexibility that I knew I didn’t have. But those moments were never as satisfying as being in my own body, on my yoga mat, working with what is actually available to me. What’s imaginary can be inspiring for a moment; but there is actual, lasting joy in the process of working with what you have.
I know we’ve been in just-hold-on mode for a long time, awaiting reports of virus case numbers, election outcomes, vaccine trials. It’s been a very long season of breath-holding. But there are other options. One time-honored practice for getting unstuck is to remember what you’re grateful for. The smallest thing can do it: a song you love. A conversation with a friend. Cuddles with a beloved pet. Dancing.
Allow that joy as deep into your heart as you can right now. Our ability to get through the winter months will likely be an hour-by-hour process. Try taking one of those hours to do something that makes you feel good.
We’re here, breathing with you, getting through this together.